Friday, March 29, 2013

Answers for Malachi

Proverbs 3:5-6 say... "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."

T.R.U.S.T       It's a word that many of us choose to use when it "feels safe". Over the last few months, its a word... its an action...  I have had to put into practice every day. Not only trusting that God is still in control, but that He would lead us to the doctors we needed to see to find answers.

A.N.S.W.E.R.S      That's a word we have been waiting to hear for many months. We think we have finally found answers. Here is what we know.  When Cai had the bronchoscopy on March 13th, Dr. Albasida took a culture (just in case... but I know it's God's guiding hand). He received the results this week. There is a bacteria called "Moraxella" that normal resides in the upper respiratory of children... causing ear infections, eye infections etc.... but the bacteria was found in Cai's lungs. VERY rare. Actually not ever seen by these doctors in a child under 1. The probability is that he has had bronchitis since very early on. All his aspirations have probably been from reflux just complicating his condition. Hence why all his tissues are white and grey rather than pink. The lung cells that "fight" bacteria should be around 4-5. His are at 71.  We also found that he is fighting one other bacteria along with 2 other virus'.

T.R.E.A.T.M.E.N.T       Because of the severity of this bacteria, we were asked to have Cai admitted. Last night they placed an IV (in his head) because they needed to start antibiotics asap. This morning, they placed a more permanent line called a PICC line. The main reason they chose to place the PICC line is simply to allow us to take him home and administer antibiotics intervienously for the next week... allowing us to not have to stay in the hospital that whole week. Then, once they remove the PICC line, he will be on an oral antibiotic for 4-5 weeks. Our prayer is that he will totally be cured!

Thank you all for your continued prayers and for walking this long road with us. We have been so blessed with AMAZING doctors.... Dr. Steinmann, Dr. Beltroy, Dr. Elliot, Dr. Albasida, Dr. Castagnini. We have been blown away by all of their amazing bedside manors and they willingness to take time to research all these bacterias and virus' to better know how to treat Cai.

I will do my best to keep you updated over the next few weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Praise God you finally have some answers, AND a very positive outlook for Cai!


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