Sunday, February 10, 2013

Remembering Ben's favorite verse

When each of my older kids were really little, I made them each a pillow case with all their favorite characters on the front and then a Bible verse on the back.

Today, I am trying hard to apply Ben's verse... which has since become his favorite verse.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

Since my last post, we have taken Malachi to a specialist. They seem to think most of his symptoms point to the possibility of a disease called cystic fibrosis. A diagnosis we prefer to not have to accept as truth for our little man. I have had a few days to process my initial emotions, do too much research on this disease and think through the possible alternatives. I still don't want any test to confirm this disease for Cai. At the same time I am trying hard to prepare myself for the possibility that God might have different plans in which to glorify Himself through my son. That's where Ben's verse touches me.
I am trusting that, despite my inability to understand the "why's", He will give me the strength I need in the moments I need them. Until those moments come I am choosing to have faith in the truth that He is the great Healer. I am asking Him to heal Cai. No matter what is causing his symptoms.

Tuesday morning, Dave and I take Cai to have a sweat test done that will either confirm the presence of CF or point us in a totally different direction. I am asking for you to pray with us. Please pray that we will be given concrete answers. Pray that we will glorify God in our responses and that we will ultimately be able to help our little man feel better.

I will do my best to update you all Tues evening sometime.

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