Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Being "known"

I am so thankful to be "known".  As I have walked through several really tough times, over the past year, I have been so thankful to have friends and family surround me in prayer and at times with a physical hug. If I wasn't "known" by these amazing people,  I'd be walking these valleys alone.... or would I?

I know that, in my last blog, I briefly shared a few trials we have struggled through. Right now, my biggest struggle is being patient with doctors as we seek to find the source of Malachi's discomfort and answers to mind boggling medical issues. This past week I took him back to our family doctor. We have several issues presenting themselves that seem to puzzle everyone.  
1. gut issues
2. low hemoglobin causing extreme bouts of paleness
3. frequent bouts of thrush
4. raspy/hackie consistent cough
5. sleeping difficulties
5. unknown sinus congestion
6. inflammation of esophagus and small intestine

I am thankful that we are not alone in this journey! Not only do we have our friends and family to lean on but most importantly we have Jesus. I am soooo thankful that we are "known" because He is our Creator. He is my sons Creator!
Psalm 139 - One of my favorite verses is... 
"For You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." vs 13 

To know this fact allows me to rest in the comfort my NOT being in control. He created me. He knows me. He created Malachi. He knows my son. He knows his needs and He knows where we need to seek out those needs. 

Although I am incredibly blessed to not be dealing with a disease such as cancer, seeing my son suffer is not easy. Rarely sleeping is not easy. Being the mom I need to be to 5 other kids and the wife I want to be to my amazing husband isn't easy. Simply being the woman He created me to be... isn't easy these days. All this is why I also love verses 1-4...

 "O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise, you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord."

He knows me. He knows my needs. He care about my wants. He hurts when I hurt. He desires a relationship with me that goes beyond simple awareness of His presence. For these things... I am incredibly blessed. It's on Him that I will lean and in Him I will trust as He leads. My sleepless nights probably won't end anytime soon, my tears shed for Malachi when he's crying and I can't help him probably won't stop tomorrow. My feelings of being overwhelmed and inadequate won't necessarily disappear but I do know that in those moments I am not alone. 

I am thankful to be "known". 

1 comment:

Sometimes, in the midst of uncertainty, being thankful takes intentionality. We have so much to be thankful for... always.  I am so th...